Six Sentence Sunday

This weeks Six is from BLOOD DRAGON II. Ardrianna has just rejected King’s advances, and he is visibly hurt. But he used her to break up with the woman he was almost engaged to, and her own sense of honor won’t allow her to give in to her attraction to him, no matter how badly she wants to. Even if she gave in, she wouldn’t be able to hold his attention for long, with all the beautiful women competing for him.

Ardrianna hated being the cause of the disappointment in his eyes. It wasn’t like it would take him long to find another female, though. A male like him wasn’t alone long. And this time it would be someone in his league – someone worthy. Stifling a sigh, she finished packing away her kit. What she wouldn’t give to be the female to catch his attention long term wasn’t worth mentioning.


The link was broken for last week’s Six, so I’m pasting it below for anyone interested.


From BLOOD DRAGON: Jaden and Kiellen are having dinner, and he’s kicking himself for being attracted to her. She’s only just recovered from being raped and tortured, so something must be wrong with him to react that way to her presence. He has to get a handle on it to keep from terrifying her.

She dropped a bit of sesame chicken. His heart stopped. The morsel rested in her cleavage, tempting him to reach over and pluck it out. He bit his tongue to stop his mind from going there.

She laughed at herself and fished the chicken out with her napkin while he stared, fascinated. She glanced up and caught his eye and froze for a moment. 

Kiellen is about to learn the difference between gratitude and attraction.

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